Friday, June 6, 2014

Assignment 4 - Raspberry Pi in Libraries

Raspberry Pi Usage in Libraries
Patrick Spurlock
Valdosta State University

Introduction – What is Raspberry Pi?

Introduced in early 2012, the Raspberry Pi is a small, credit-card sized (3.37” x 2.21”) computer, built on a single circuit board (also known as a single-board computer or SBC), that is developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The original goal of the Raspberry Pi was to provide a low cost computer that would serve as a teaching aid for promoting basic computer science in schools.
The Raspberry Pi comes in two variants. Model A features 256MB of RAM, one USB port, and no Ethernet (network) connection. Model B has 512MB of RAM, 2 USB ports, and an Ethernet port. Both models use Broadcom BCM2835 SoC (System on a Chip) architecture. SoC is a method of placing all essential electronics for running a computer on a single compressed chip. The Raspberry Pi SoC contains an ARM ARM1176JZFS 700Mhz CPU (central processing unit) and a Videocore 4 GPU (graphics processing unit). The graphics processor is capable of High Definition video playback using the H.264 video codec at a rate of 40MBits/s. The Raspberry Pi has been ported to use several Open-Source operating systems (from Linux to Android and Chrome OS), and its default operating system is a port of the Linux-based Debian OS known as Raspbian. The suggested programming language for us on the Raspberry Pi is Python (Raspberry Pi Foundation, n.d.).

"RaspberryPi" by Jwrodgers - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Literature Review  
To date, the Raspberry Pi is not being as widely discussed in library literature as other emerging technologies such as 3D printing, but its potential applications in library environments has been addressed in academic, public, and school library literature. While there is not currently a lot of literature on the Raspberry Pi, Sansing (2013) states that the “slim $25 computer is hot and showing no signs of cooling off” in the devices potential applications for schools and that tools such as the Raspberry Pi will bring the “Maker” movement into libraries and schools.
While Mays (2013) sees the Raspberry Pi as being the perfect way for libraries to introduce skills such as computer programming to communities for skill development that will be important in the future job market, Iglesias & Schlegel (2013) and Cooper & Knight (2014) see the Raspberry Pi as being an inexpensive display device for applications such as OPAC (library catalog) machines. Wells (2014) however, feels that library applications can go beyond simple OPAC machines, to fully operational librarian kiosks that are integrated with the ILS (Integrated Library System) and house ready reference information. Additionally, Web (2014) shows how the Raspberry Pi can be used to host content management platforms such as WordPress and for smaller rural libraries can run as fully operational web portals for patrons as a significant cost savings to libraries needing to build Internet access labs.

Application in today’s library and information centers

As illustrated in the literature, the Raspberry Pi has the potential to make an impact of today’s library and information centers. The Raspberry Pi can be used in libraries as a low-cost OPAC access device and as a computer that runs information displays/digital display device for library users (Cooper & Knight, 2014). In both of these scenarios libraries would be able to forgo purchasing expensive standard computers in favor of adapting the Raspbian software to meet single purpose needs. In the area of digital signage, libraries would be able to make digital displays advertising information ranging from meeting room availability to library hours or open computer availability. In addition to OPAC Machines and Digital Display devices, the Raspberry Pi could be potentially integrated with library ILS software to create circulation and reference stations (Wells, 2014). Wells (2014) also suggests, that given the very small size of the Raspberry Pi, libraries could use the device in places where computers could not traditionally go such as on the end caps of library stacks attached to flat touch screen monitors that could be used my patrons and staff alike for checking for item availability and virtual shelf browsing.


While the potential for the Raspberry Pi to be used in libraries as low-cost solutions to devices such as OPAC machines, potential problems in processing power might arise. For instance, the Loughborough University Library in its initial testing of the Raspberry Pi as an OPAC computer found that while the Raspberry Pi worked well with Ex Libris’ Primo the Raspberry Pi worked, but was sluggish or was not acceptably responsive to the library’s Online Reading List System. Initial testing demonstrated that what the Raspberry Pi was fully capable of functioning as an OPAC PC, the lack of a hardware accelerated video driver for the graphical user interface, resulted in the processor having to render more of the processing functions which resulted in slow response times (Cooper & Knight, 2014). However, Cooper & Knight (2014) stated that through community support a hardware accelerated version of the graphical user interface is expected for release and that further testing of the devices as OPAC machines will prove more fruitful.
Another potential challenge for libraries in implementing the Raspberry Pi is the very nature of the systems being open-sourced and Linux-based. In a world where the majority of PC users use Microsoft Windows-based computers, patrons might have difficulty adapting to a stripped down Linux-based operating system. This challenge however can be overcome by strictly using locked-down kiosk (or OPAC/Internet browser only) terminals. However staff and or library IT works will need to be familiar with Linux-based systems and computer programming, otherwise partnerships will need to be made with professionals or able-bodied community users that are willing to provide technical support to libraries.


At the cost of $25 for a simple open-sourced computer system the Raspberry Pi has the potential to make a significant impact in libraries of all types. Whereas a library might currently pay ten times (or more) the price of a Raspberry Pi for a fully functioning Windows-based computer, libraries have the potential to utilize this technology in areas where a fully-functioning PC might be unwarranted for using in single-use tasks such as OPAC of Digital Signage. Beyond this libraries might in the future be able to integrate these devices into their own Integrated Library Systems or take them into areas where computers have traditionally not been able to go such as book-stacks. More than providing libraries with low-cost technological hardware however, the Raspberry Pi has the potential to make real impact in its educational uses within libraries in the areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning through computer programming in library Makerspaces and enrichment programming. As Mays (2013) states, “ by having devices such as Raspberry Pi’s in our libraries, we can help in educating and illuminating our public.”


Iglesias, E., & Schlegel, A. (2013). Using a Raspberry Pi as a versatile and inexpensive display device. Code4lib Journal, (21), 11.
Mays, D. (2013). The tiny, affordable Raspberry Pi. Arkansas Libraries, 70(1), 14.
Raspberry Pi Foundation (n.d.). Faqs. Raspberry Pi Foundation. Retrieved from
Sansing, C. (2013). Life with Raspberry Pi. School Library Journal, 59(8), 34.

Wells, M. (2014). Addressing rural library technology budgets with single board computers: Testing the APC 8950 Rock Circuit Board Computer for patron access. Journal of Library Innovation, 5(1), 1-12.

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